The Soul Colors And What They Mean
The Meaning of Soul Colors, the hues, the sharpness, and the intensity of colors, provide information about your emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental well-being. In this article, I explain what is color and the meaning of individual colors in the soul.
What is color?
Color is a wave traveling through space. Our eyes register different colors of the electromagnetic spectrum based on the space between the peaks of the waves. The brain interprets these spaces between waves into colors.
Why do Souls have color?
Our energy bodies can be seen by those sensitive to subtle energy as color that look similar to liquid light. Everyone's energy bodies are vibrating at different frequencies that are much like a unique energy fingerprint. For those that can sense these energies, they can see them as frequencies, waves, and colors.
What do different colors in the soul mean? It is important to remember that no soul is just one color, or one vibration. Souls are layers of energy with multiple colors.
If you ordered a Custom Soul Painting, use the definitions below to determine the meaning of the different colors in your soul. Pay special attention to the dominate color in your painting. It is will likely be the how your soul color mostly expresses itself in your life.
Soul Color Meanings
Green color in the aura indicates growing compassion, love, and a desire to be of service, to help others. It is a color of balance, harmony, and a feeling of that I am OK, you are OK, and everything else is OK. This color reflects personal growth, openness of the heart, willingness to change and transform. Muddier shades of green can indicate possessiveness and fear of being unlovable.
Blue color, one of the easiest to see in the soul, indicates peace, quiet order, and person who can speak her truth, she knows her own authority. It reflects quietness, calm, and seriousness. Person with a lot of blue has a strong sense of purpose, is sensitive, and has a developed inner guide or teacher. It can also indicate loneliness and a journey of coming home, coming to higher Self, or Essence. Darker blue is an indication of connection to the deep mysteries of spiritual life, intuition, creative imagination, clairaudience, and telepathy.
Green color in the aura indicates growing compassion, love, and a desire to be of service, to help others. It is a color of balance, harmony, and a feeling of that I am OK, you are OK, and everything else is OK. This color reflects personal growth, openness of the heart, willingness to change and transform. Muddier shades of green can indicate possessiveness and fear of being unlovable.
Blue color, one of the easiest to see in the soul, indicates peace, quiet order, and person who can speak her truth, she knows her own authority. It reflects quietness, calm, and seriousness. Person with a lot of blue has a strong sense of purpose, is sensitive, and has a developed inner guide or teacher. It can also indicate loneliness and a journey of coming home, coming to higher Self, or Essence. Darker blue is an indication of connection to the deep mysteries of spiritual life, intuition, creative imagination, clairaudience, and telepathy.
Purple in the soul indicates that a person is integrating the physical plane and the spiritual plane. It indicates a blending of heart and mind, as well as a sense of leadership. Purple indicates intuition, high imagination, visualization, and connection to the world of dreams. People with purple in their soul have an ability to lucid dream, astral travel, and other psychic abilities.
Gold in the aura indicates that a person is in the process of higher spiritual development and is coming to his/her/their true personal power, her Essence, or Being, without the constraints of the Ego. Gold means that you are connected to higher power or God, and that you are inspired, devoted, and are coming to a time of revitalization. It is a color of higher mind, understanding of the patterns of the Universe and of the laws of the Universe.
Copper is a deeply earthly and grounded color. A predominantly copper soul suggests a person that is grounded, hardworking and enthusiastic with a tendency to follow traditions, tribal wisdom or seek ancient ways to connect with nature.
Silver in the soul is the color of fertility and creativity, may be present when women ovulate. May signify a deep sexual connection to another person. Silver tends to show up with someone who is highly sensitive and relates well with others through teaching or leadership capacity.
Pink in the soul indicates softness, yielding of love for others. It is a color of growing compassion, tenderness, kindness, and gentle nature. When seen in the soul, along with other pastel colors, it can indicate a quiet, modest person, with love for all of humanity.
One of the easiest soul colors to see is yellow. It is the color of sunshine, happiness, optimism, and awakening psychic abilities. Yellow around the hairline can indicate spiritual development, growing wisdom, new ideas, intellect, sense of appropriateness, and mental clarity.
Red is a strong color associated with basic, primal urges. It signals connection to the earth, vital energy, and enthusiasm for life on this plane of existence. People with a lot of red in their soul have a zest for life and a desire to succeed and excel in this world.
Orange in the soul is associated with ambition, creativity, and sexual energy. It is a passionate color and people who have a lot of orange in their aura are emotionally expressive.
Black color is often thought of as dark, negative energy. In my experience, seeing black in the soul is also a sign of peacefulness and the sign of immense creative potential. Depending on the overall color of the soul, the vibrancy of colors, black in the soul tells me that the person is experiencing a level of peace and quietness. Black can be seen in those that are experiencing a soul awakening.
Similar to black, grey can also indicate that a person is going through a spiritual opening and their innate abilities, like intuition and creative imagination are awakening.
A portion of this article was provided by a great website resource on this topic. Thank you - Chakra Anatomy
Purple in the soul indicates that a person is integrating the physical plane and the spiritual plane. It indicates a blending of heart and mind, as well as a sense of leadership. Purple indicates intuition, high imagination, visualization, and connection to the world of dreams. People with purple in their soul have an ability to lucid dream, astral travel, and other psychic abilities.
Gold in the aura indicates that a person is in the process of higher spiritual development and is coming to his/her/their true personal power, her Essence, or Being, without the constraints of the Ego. Gold means that you are connected to higher power or God, and that you are inspired, devoted, and are coming to a time of revitalization. It is a color of higher mind, understanding of the patterns of the Universe and of the laws of the Universe.
Copper is a deeply earthly and grounded color. A predominantly copper soul suggests a person that is grounded, hardworking and enthusiastic with a tendency to follow traditions, tribal wisdom or seek ancient ways to connect with nature.
Silver in the soul is the color of fertility and creativity, may be present when women ovulate. May signify a deep sexual connection to another person. Silver tends to show up with someone who is highly sensitive and relates well with others through teaching or leadership capacity.
Pink in the soul indicates softness, yielding of love for others. It is a color of growing compassion, tenderness, kindness, and gentle nature. When seen in the soul, along with other pastel colors, it can indicate a quiet, modest person, with love for all of humanity.
One of the easiest soul colors to see is yellow. It is the color of sunshine, happiness, optimism, and awakening psychic abilities. Yellow around the hairline can indicate spiritual development, growing wisdom, new ideas, intellect, sense of appropriateness, and mental clarity.
Red is a strong color associated with basic, primal urges. It signals connection to the earth, vital energy, and enthusiasm for life on this plane of existence. People with a lot of red in their soul have a zest for life and a desire to succeed and excel in this world.
Orange in the soul is associated with ambition, creativity, and sexual energy. It is a passionate color and people who have a lot of orange in their aura are emotionally expressive.
Black color is often thought of as dark, negative energy. In my experience, seeing black in the soul is also a sign of peacefulness and the sign of immense creative potential. Depending on the overall color of the soul, the vibrancy of colors, black in the soul tells me that the person is experiencing a level of peace and quietness. Black can be seen in those that are experiencing a soul awakening.
Similar to black, grey can also indicate that a person is going through a spiritual opening and their innate abilities, like intuition and creative imagination are awakening.
A portion of this article was provided by a great website resource on this topic. Thank you - Chakra Anatomy
Would you like to know what your unique soul looks like?
A Soul Painting is a one of a kind painting that is created just for you by a gifted intuitive artist and Reiki Master Teacher. Your Soul Painting is created with long-lasting professional acrylic paints, on the canvas size of your choice. Your beautiful piece of art can be shipped to you anywhere in the US, Mexico or Canada. |