Soul ActivationThis session will guide you through a unique mind, body and soul healing technique that was developed by The Healing Heart's Founder. During a soul activation session we will be using consciousness to activate and reconnect emotional fragments that were damaged from past traumas. This profound session provides the recipient access to a deep healing at the soul level, understanding of their life's purpose, and the ability to release limiting beliefs.
LEARN MORE Soul Activation Session
90 Min. - $145 |
A Soul Activation Session is ideal for anyone who wises to resolve painful trauma, understand their soul's purpose and reconnect to original innocence and unconditional love.
Soul Activation Is A Bold Way to Transform Your Life
Soul Activation uses pure consciousness to heal deeply painful traumas held in our emotions. By combining the power of consciousness with the recipient's desire and choice to allow aspects of love to flow into their physical body, a transformative experience can occur.
Pure consciousness is what we experience when we transcend this world back into our divine form. It is the oneness that contains all universal knowledge and the energy of unconditional love. As humans having a divine experience, this energy is available to use in the physical form, and can be directed with intention to support healing at a deep and profound level.
Efforts to heal just the mental, emotional or physical pain can be more like treating the symptoms rather than getting to the source of what's causing the discomfort. When parts of our Soul are lost or have gone dormant due to trauma, healing at this level can rapidly accelerate and complement other healing methods. Then, the efforts to bring that healing into the mental, emotional and physical awareness can lead to a profoundly joyous transformation for one's life.
No one would ever consciously choose pain over health, joy and wellness, yet so many experience deep-rooted mental, physical and emotional pain that persists regardless of efforts to feel better. These kinds of persistent conditions can be due to a core healing that is needed.
How It Works
There is a fundamental belief that creates the framework for this healing practice. It's the belief that unconditional love (consciousness or spirit) is our natural state of being. As a result of experiences and limiting beliefs we form in life, we can develop unconscious blocks to aspects of our purest natural state of love. These blocks can then lead to shifts, breaks, cracks, and blocks in how we express our truest selves. Deep within us we have a warehouse of experiences that serve as the the building blocks for approaching experiences in life. Damage of any kind at this deep level can be felt as mental, physical or emotional pain and can correspond to a part of our inner most being where the root of the trauma exists.
Soul Activation is about reclaiming aspects of ourselves so we can live to our fullest potential and release pain-inducing blocks and beliefs. By providing a safe space, a practitioner will guide a client through a gentle process of identifying stresses in the body and finding their root cause (which is often from something that was experienced in our past). While the practitioner continues to work with you at a soul level, the recipient is lead to identify aspects of love that he/she had been blocking. This powerful combination of consciousness, awareness and intention creates access to a transformational force that aids in letting go of mental, emotional and/or physical pain that have often plagued a person for years.
Depending on the own needs, miraculous transformations can occur with this method.
Pure consciousness is what we experience when we transcend this world back into our divine form. It is the oneness that contains all universal knowledge and the energy of unconditional love. As humans having a divine experience, this energy is available to use in the physical form, and can be directed with intention to support healing at a deep and profound level.
Efforts to heal just the mental, emotional or physical pain can be more like treating the symptoms rather than getting to the source of what's causing the discomfort. When parts of our Soul are lost or have gone dormant due to trauma, healing at this level can rapidly accelerate and complement other healing methods. Then, the efforts to bring that healing into the mental, emotional and physical awareness can lead to a profoundly joyous transformation for one's life.
No one would ever consciously choose pain over health, joy and wellness, yet so many experience deep-rooted mental, physical and emotional pain that persists regardless of efforts to feel better. These kinds of persistent conditions can be due to a core healing that is needed.
How It Works
There is a fundamental belief that creates the framework for this healing practice. It's the belief that unconditional love (consciousness or spirit) is our natural state of being. As a result of experiences and limiting beliefs we form in life, we can develop unconscious blocks to aspects of our purest natural state of love. These blocks can then lead to shifts, breaks, cracks, and blocks in how we express our truest selves. Deep within us we have a warehouse of experiences that serve as the the building blocks for approaching experiences in life. Damage of any kind at this deep level can be felt as mental, physical or emotional pain and can correspond to a part of our inner most being where the root of the trauma exists.
Soul Activation is about reclaiming aspects of ourselves so we can live to our fullest potential and release pain-inducing blocks and beliefs. By providing a safe space, a practitioner will guide a client through a gentle process of identifying stresses in the body and finding their root cause (which is often from something that was experienced in our past). While the practitioner continues to work with you at a soul level, the recipient is lead to identify aspects of love that he/she had been blocking. This powerful combination of consciousness, awareness and intention creates access to a transformational force that aids in letting go of mental, emotional and/or physical pain that have often plagued a person for years.
Depending on the own needs, miraculous transformations can occur with this method.
The Three Basic Pillars of Soul Activation
A Supportive Connection is MadeThe Soul Activation Practitioner connects to what we call the recipient's Soul DNA. Much like human DNA, the Soul DNA is the warehouse of all the past experiences of the Soul's journey. Traumatic events can impact mental and emotional health. Through the intensity of the traumatic event or through repeating behaviors, your emotions can become broken and fragmented.
Using pure consciousness is the practitioner's focus during this session. |
Empowering Your Desire To Release Pain and Choose LoveThe practitioner will guide you through a process of identifying and bringing awareness to the physical, emotional and mental feeling of the blocks you bring attention to. Conscious awareness is critical at this point, as we must "tag" the blocks in all areas so they can be released together. During this time the practitioner will continue to work at your Soul level to support healing and the reprogramming of beliefs.
Activating the SoulYou are then empowered to make a bold declaration of the aspect of love that you wish to reclaim. The combination of awareness, pure consciousness and choice creates an immediate bridge that gives you access to fully embody your soul's purest and highest intention. While suspended in this state of "being", the healing of the core wounds is finished and the aspects of the reclaimed soul and emotions are activated and integrated.