An Inspired Blog
Mantra: Gratitude brings me into a harmonious relationship with the good in everyone and everything that surrounds me.
Relax your head, and close your eyes. Breathe in deeply and exhale slowly. Exhale out any stress, tension or tightness you feel anywhere in your body. Focus your attention on your head, face, and neck and allow all your muscles to become very relaxed. Feel the tension melting away. Feel the relaxation coming over your entire body. Relax as it flows down your shoulders relaxing them and melting away any tension or stress you hold there. Feel the relaxation flow down your entire body. Feel how limp, relaxed and comfortable you become. It feels wonderful, and you feel warm and deeply relaxed all over. Now, imagine in your mind that it’s a beautiful day outside with sun’s rays lighting everything you see. You’ve just spent an entire fun-filled day outside. It’s the end of the day and time for a soothing ride down the lazy river before you leave. Imagine before you a gentle river stream. You walk up to its edge and you dip a toe into the river. You step down into it, feeling the cool water touch your warm skin. You run your fingertips across the water's surface. The sunshine makes you feel so good inside. Sitting before you is raft that will take you on a gentle ride down the lazy river. Reaching out to grab the raft, you settle on top with your arms, body and legs fully supported. The raft is comfortable and secure. As the float takes you lazily down the river you decide to put your fingers into the water. You allow them to glide back and forth in the water to make circles and swirls around your fingers as you continue floating down this cool, calm river. You smile to yourself because you feel so good and so grateful for this wonderful day. What is around you to notice? Are there trees, animals, or people you love? You realize how amazing life is, and you feel calm and content just like this lazy river. You might find yourself especially thankful for this day knowing that there will never be another day exactly like today. Each day is different, and you feel happy inside because you know that life is an adventure. Some days are fast and busy. Some days are slower and more relaxed. You remind yourself that you are thankful for it all. You know that each day is special and different and by being thankful and grateful for each day, life just keeps getting better and better. Gratitude is when our hearts feel thankful for experiences because we know that experiences help us grow. Gratitude fills up our hearts with happiness. Sit in silence for a few moments recalling the mantra for your journey. Gratitude brings me into a harmonious relationship with the good in everyone and everything that surrounds me. You now notice that you’re coming to the end of the lazy river. You’ve been enjoying the ride so much, it passed more quickly than you could ever imagine. Now it’s time to gather your thoughts and keep all your gratitude in your heart. Breath deeply into your heart as you seal in this sense of gratitude so you can take it with you after this journey has come to an end. Open your eyes when you’re ready and give your body a big wonderful stretch! Many Blessings
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